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Turnips originate from the Brassica family of vegetables, and have been grown for human consumption in Europe since prehistoric times. Originally, the turnip was a very popular livestock feed. Farmers would plant for their cattle wherever the crop could grow. Throughout history the turnip has been viewed and handled as forage. In the early 1900s, scientists in the United States identified the turnip as power sources for young ruminant animals, such as cattle and sheep.  However, after several years of harvesting the root crop for fodder, the farmers began to advert from root crops all together because of the intensive hand labor they required to be harvested.

In the late 1970s, researchers discovered the potential the turnip crop had as a pasture crop instead of a harvested crop eliminating manual labor and storage. New turnip varieties made it essential for the turnip to be in a pasture. The new varieties consisted of a partially exposed root making it exceptionally easy for the livestock to find and consume the crop. Animals were able to forage turnip tops and roots conveniently, and they were excellent in quality. In general, the origin, Brassicas, are fast-growing, high yielding crops, and are able to seed existing pastures with little to no tillage due to the naturally prepared seedbed.

Turnips are a cool-weather crop best suited for the northern regions of the United States and Europe as well as Britain and Canada. However, the South produces turnip roots and greens for human usage during all the seasons.

Turnips provide a wide range of benefits for the consumer. One of the benefits is preventing intestinal issues. The root and leaves of the turnip are both very nutritious and beneficial for the digestive tract and intestines. Turnips are very high in fiber and by having a high intake of fiber can lower the risk of serious intestinal issues.

Turnip root is a terrific source of minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber. It is a low-calorie vegetable– a 100-gram serving has only 28 calories. Remarkably, it’s also filled a lot of Vitamin C, which boosts the immune system, with 21 milligrams per 100-gram serving.

It has been found that consuming high amounts of turnips can also lower the possibility of developing cancer. More recently, research studies have recommended that the sulforaphane substance that provides cruciferous vegetables their bitter bite might also be exactly what makes them active against some kinds of cancer. Foods containing sulforaphane could potentially be an integral part of cancer treatment in the future.

Having a high fiber diet also can contribute to weight loss and living your best life. Vegetables with a high fiber content keep you feeling fuller longer with only a few calories. Fiber helps stable glucose levels, prevent constipation, and plays a very important role in regulating the immune system.

A turnip is another starch component you can add to any meal. Turnips are easy to cook and work with. They go well with just about anything. Check out shortnsweet.com for some fun turnip recipes!

Western Veg-Produce, Inc.
PO Box 82217
Bakersfield, CA 93380

Office: 1-800-WVegPro (983-4776)
Fax: 1-661-637-2365
Sales: sales@wvegpro.com
Accounting: accounting@wvegpro.com