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Two of the most popular berries in all of the United States are strawberries and blueberries. Other than the title of this article giving it away, would you have honestly guessed that raspberries are the third most popular berry in the US? Yep, move over blackberries!


How can one classify raspberries? Raspberries are considered part of the aggregate fruit family and are considered drupelets, suggesting each berry comes with its own seed. In growers’ language, we may be talking about a nice set of brambles – referring to the nature of the plant and although rare, the prickly or thorny areas of the plant.

Raspberries are part of the Rosaceae family of plants, which may sound familiar as this family also includes: apples, cherries, blackberries, peaches, strawberries and more. In fact, this rose family includes almonds as well – it’s quite a family, we’re tellin’ ya!


There are over 200 species of raspberries – 200! But if we are talking on a commercialized basis, the main three species are red raspberries, black raspberries, and purple raspberries. You are likely used to seeing red raspberries, but the other two are still considered raspberries! It can get tricky when we get into black raspberries, as you can imagine the confusion with blackberries given similar consistency and color.  If red and black raspberries are hybridized, the result will be purple raspberries.


What really sets raspberries apart at the end of the day is not the color or plant family it belongs to, but the endless nutritional benefits that are undeniable. Such little berries do so much for the human body, and oftentimes people have no idea the extent to which they can change a life. One of the most significant ongoing research projects about raspberries and overall health is the connection between the berry and obesity.  Phytonutrients are known to help speed up the metabolism in our fat cells, and raspberries have rheosmin, which increase enzyme activity, oxygen consumption, and heat production. This leads to a much lower risk of a person becoming obese or having a fatty liver. Rheosmin is also incredibly powerful at attacking digestion and making sure there is less absorption of fat.

Of course, the antioxidant value of raspberries is incredibly valuable, and it is said that fully ripe raspberries contain the most antioxidants. Both these antioxidants and the phytonutrients we just talked about are contributing factors to helping prevent cancer. This comes into play through lowering oxidative stress, reducing inflammation and preventing the further development of cancer cells.

One thing of importance to note is that raspberries do not continue to ripen once they are picked! This is why knowing what to look for in picking out your berries at the store is crucial. You want to choose berries that are dry, not smashed or bruised and are bright in color. Be sure not to wash the berries to prevent moisture from pushing them over sooner until you are ready to consume them. It’s best to keep the berries in a breathable container and refrigerated.


The ways to utilize raspberries are endless! When you have your hands on a berry with so many incredible qualities for your body, you want to make the most of it. Some people choose to freeze the berries and eat them on a hot summer day, others use frozen raspberries in their morning smoothie, many people incorporate them into dessert dishes, and of course, you can make incredible jam and jellies to store year round.

Western Veg-Produce, Inc.
PO Box 82217
Bakersfield, CA 93380

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